Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is a conflict style inventory, which is a tool developed to measure an individual’s response to conflict situations.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a tool for assessing how individuals handle conflicts, categorising behaviour into five modes, each with practical examples:

1. Competing: Assertive and uncooperative. Example: A manager insists on implementing their own idea without considering team input. 

2. Collaborating: Assertive and cooperative. Example: Two colleagues work together to integrate their ideas into a project, ensuring everyone’s needs are met.

3. Compromising: Intermediate in assertiveness and cooperativeness. Example: A team splits resources equally to ensure all departments receive some benefit.

4. Avoiding: Unassertive and uncooperative. Example: An employee ignores a coworker’s mistake to avoid confrontation.

5. Accommodating: Unassertive but cooperative. Example: A team member agrees to work extra hours to help a colleague meet a deadline.

Taking the TKI can help you understand your conflict management style and improve your ability to handle conflicts constructively.

It’s a self-inventory test and won’t be seen by anyone else. 

Click here-


The workplace is a complex jungle of sticky situations, and this conflict model is simply a tool to help organise ideas and come up with a game plan for bushwhacking through it. Like all tools, it’s not foolproof: it’s just designed to aid us in the difficult job of resolving conflict and managing our fellow complex humans.

Do also take the ‘Beck’s Anxiety Inventory test’-


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